
Childrens Ministry
Our KIDZLIFE CHILDRENS MINISTRY meets every Sunday morning at 8:30 and 10:30am in their classrooms designated by age/grade. During their time in KIDZLIFE they will go to a corporate worship time in our KIDZLIFE room where they will sing praises and hear the main story of the day. Then after service you can pick them up their classrooms. On the first Sunday of the month however, we have a full production that starts as main service ends. They do a skit, music, and have a giveaway. As parents you are encouraged to join them after service and worship along side you kids.

Student Ministry
SaltLight Student ministry is for grades 6-12 and meets at 6pm on Wednesday nights. We have fun worship, bible study, and wonderful volunteers who care a lot about the physical and spiritual wellness of your child.

Worship Ministry
Pastor Roy Martin is our Worship Pastor here at Parkland and he has put together a tremendous worship team full of musicians and singers who lead us every Sunday morning in worship. They create an atmoshpere that helps to invite the Holy Spirit into our time of singing praises.

Senior Adult Ministry
The Parkland Adults 55+ ministry desires to provide an environment where our older Adults can fellowship, continue to grow in Christ, as well as use the gifts and abilities God has given them. Regardless of how old we are ministry never ends.

Operation Christmas Child Ministry
All year long, here at Parkland Baptist Church, we collect items to be placed in Operation Christimas Child shoe boxes. These items are boxed up and shipped off once a year all over the world.

Life Groups
In Life Groups is where you will find a true connection to community in our church. We offer all kinds of different possibilities for you to get plugged into. Check them out here!